Ok, we need some Nissan help. Model 50D2 3 cylinder carbed 2 stroke 2003 model, It starts and idles fine and is firing on all 3 cylinders, if you put the timing light on it and raise the fast idle it comes up to about 2k and all 3 cylinders commence to miss about half the time. The owner took it back to the selling dealer, who lent him a box full of used and new ignition parts to try. They replaced all 3 coils with new ones, the switchbox with a new one and swapped everything under the flywheel with "good" used stuff. No change. They did not do any DVA tests at all. I entered the picture at this point, and we did the tests per the CDI manual. The results,are posted in a picture. The components under this flywheel are not what I am used to seeing so I called CDI and was told the out of spec coil was the exciter coil and changing it would fix us up. CDI doesn't make one so we called the selling dealer who informed us that you don't use DVA meters on Nissans and he did not have the exciter coil . I ordered one and put it on yesterday. No change. The spark is still erratic, the resistance readings are still off and DVA way out of whack I have not moved trigger wires to see if that changes anything, but the owner did put 3 new coils and a CDI box before. The owner and his brother did a lot of stuff over about the last 3 months. I'm confident it is a spark issue, perhaps linked to a limp mode. Disconnecting the kill circuit and or rectifier changes nothing, flywheel key is square and straight, magnets clean and tight, The trigger outputs are fine on the DVA right up until the miss starts, then they fall off but never get below the 110V minimum. The issue of the alarm circuit resolved itself when we discovered it only works when the boat is in gear, the alarm circuit is powered thru the nuetral safety switch.
What do we chase next?
Carbs are clean, this is not a fuel issue, I am fairly certain. The timing light changes without question and the spark falls off when the miss starts.
What do we chase next?
Carbs are clean, this is not a fuel issue, I am fairly certain. The timing light changes without question and the spark falls off when the miss starts.

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