Have '82 model 50 hp Merc, 4 cylinders, on 17 ft aluminum Basstracker.<br /> Bought 3rd of 4th hand about 6 years ago. Use it year round, about 30 - 40 days per year. On first starting, it seems to have no power, like it is only hitting on 2 or 3 cylinders. After about 5 minutes of slightly above no wake speed at WOT, it will "bump" 2 0r 3 times and then come up to full power. No tach, but sounds like rpm's double. Runs great from then on, unless I shut down 2 or 3 hours. Then must repeat the process.<br /><br />Have replaced sparkplugs, good spark to all cylinders, cleaned and new kits in carbs, new fuel line. No change noted. Using fresh 87 octane with Quicksilver oil at 50:1.<br /><br />My thinking is that motor has wear and lacks compression on one or more cylinders when cold. Then when warmed up , the components expand enough to let it run on all 4. If so, then a rebuild is in order. <br /><br />Would rather not sink $$$ in this rig, as I want a newer one. Can I expect to run it a while longer and live with the reduced power? Top speed is not important, as I spend most of my fishing time in an area full of stumps, and slower speeds are required for safety.<br /><br />Would more oil in the fuel be of any benefit? What ratio?<br /><br />Any suggestions greatly appreciated.