50 HP Evinrude Mystery Alarm


Oct 3, 2009
Just bought a pontoon with a 1996 Evinrude 50 HP, model E50TLEDS. This motor is and always was an oil mix – it never had VRO. While moving it from the dock to my trailer I accelerated to approx. 3500 RPMs and the “No Oil” light and warning horn activated. After about ten seconds, both turned off. Meanwhile, I had cut the motor to idle speed. Back at the dock when I first got on board and turned the key, the systems check did what it was supposed to do: sequentially tested all four systems and the trouble horn. My first question is, why did this happen, since the motor doesn’t have / never had the VRO system? My second question is, how do I prevent this from continuing to happen – do I disconnect the tan/yellow wire from the tachometer /systems check gauge? (Similarly, I have no need for the “Low Oil” system check either since there is no oil tank. Would I therefore disconnect the tan-black wire also?) The previous owner said he never had this problem. Between his ownership and mine, there was a new power pack installed: could this be a factor?


Apr 7, 2012
Re: 50 HP Evinrude Mystery Alarm

Did you do the powerpack install? Maybe a tech wired something else back up at the same time
You sure it wasnt overheating?


Oct 3, 2009
Re: 50 HP Evinrude Mystery Alarm

Did you do the powerpack install? Maybe a tech wired something else back up at the same time
You sure it wasnt overheating?

Hi Bos'n, thanks for responding. Don't believe it was an overheat - wrong alarm, plus, the motor was only running a few minutes. The water stream from the pump was strong, too. I will speak with the marina mechanic where the powerpack was installed. (Not my marina.) That's about the only lead I have. I guess Evinrude uses a "one-ize fits all" wiring harness - the tan/yellow and tan/black wires
are there and connect to the tachometer/system check gauge. I have traced them back into the engine wiring as well, but haven't been able to determine where they originate. The wiring diagram shows them going to the VRO plug and nowhere else, but my motor doesn't have a VRO system or VRO plug.