hopefully someone here can help me with this, I have twin 5.7 and there re two connections on the back of the boat (female) water hose connection each one runs to a separate engine before teeing ang going into each side of the block (on the bottom) one side actually connects where the temp sending unit is (I think) that's what it is, ther is a electrical harness on it anyways.........how do I use this, and can I somehow it to simplify winterization , the boat is going to be in the water over winter and also what all is this flushing, just the block? You would think it would do the risers too that would be the major advantage of this, and how does it keep from back flowing out the hoses? And if I can use it with antifreeze how do I get it to pull it in? And can I or should I start the boat while using it, I'm truly confused and would like someone to enlighten me on how this works and how I can rep the benefits, I got the boat off the Chesapeake and now it's up in the river about 75 to 80 miles which is fresh water I think.