I have a 1996 Volvo 5.7GL and have been having a problem running it at wot. When I would try to run it at wot it would bog and sometimes pop back through the carb until I pull back to about 3/4 throttle. I checked the timing this morning and found it was not advancing. I took the ignition module out and it has centrifical advance under the module and both springs were off and messed up. So I went to my Volvo dealer and got a set of springs and put them on but still have a problem. Now when the secondaries open it will still pop back through the carburetor. I had a timing light borrowed this morning when I found it wasn't advancing but I don't have it now to see if it is or not. What does it sound like now? I have just replaced the 2bbl carb with a rebuilt 4bbl Rochester Quadrajet. Could it be getting to much fuel and cause it to do this? I pulled one of the plugs and it was sutted up pretty bad but I thought it was because of it not advancing the time. Thanks for any help.