5.7 L 260 Bravo 2 Exhaust Manifold temp


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 15, 2010
Today I started to winterize my Mercruiser 5.7 L 260 Bravo 2 and while running on the hose I noticed the port side manifold and riser were way hotter that the starboard side. I also noticed the water coming out the port side of the transom housing was also hotter than starboard. I ran the engine for about 15 min and the temp gauge stayed right at 140 degrees. I just purchased the boat which has not been used in several years so I do not know of any over heat issues. As preventive maintenance I remove both risers to inspect and replace the gaskets. All looked to be OK both flappers were intact so there is no sign of overheating. Is the port side temp higher because of the limited flow produced by the hose or do I have a clogged exhaust manifold and riser? Which need to be replaced. When I drained the manifold this afternoon I notice there was a lot of debris clogging the drain and I had to clear it with a wire. Thanks in advance for advise.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: 5.7 L 260 Bravo 2 Exhaust Manifold temp

Ayuh,.... Uneven temps are perfectly normal, as is debris floatin' around in the coolin' water...

That's WHY Don, 'n I insist on pokin' a screw or nail into the drains when winterizin'...

Put a new impeller in the raw water pump for spring, 'n enjoy yer new boat...


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 15, 2010
Re: 5.7 L 260 Bravo 2 Exhaust Manifold temp

Thank for the quick response. That is good news. I was planing to to do the raw water pump in the spring. A impeller is sure cheaper than a manifold/riser set, although on my boat it looks easier to do the manifolds. :eek: as just getting the hose off to drain it today was a nightmare. It is way tight in my bilge.
