5.0 volvo HELP!!


Jul 23, 2007
I bought the boat (86 Bayliner w/ 5.0 Volvo I/O )last week, and with it on the trailer it runs like the best damb engine I have ever seen, Yes I have water hooked up to it).. But you put it on the lake and suddenly it pushes gas out of the bottom of the carb and floods itself... float aimlessly in the lake for 2 hours until IT'S ready to start and put it back on the trailer... turned down the idle a little bit, tightened the carb down a little and ran the crap out of it and it wouldn't drip a drop... Idled great, ran strong, even throtteled it up and down to make it drip gas or stall out and just could not do it.... So put it back in the water, pull away from the dock get out about 200 yards and BAM!!! leaking gas, stalls out and refuses start.. wait 2 hours or so AGAIN.... then when it starts and we limp it back the rpm won't go over 2 grand.... Idle to the dock, put it on the trailer, and it fires up and runs like a raped Ape, NO leaks, and No stalls... If I take it to a shop they are going to tell me nothing is wrong and it runs great... But it seems to Hate Water....
I am thinking that the Carb needs to be rebuilt, but have no idea why it would run so well out of the water...

Reel Poor

Vice Admiral
Jan 29, 2005
Re: 5.0 volvo HELP!!

It sounds like to float level in the carb is no tset right. I recommend a carb overhaul, includ replacing the float.