5.0 Mercruiser Bayliner won't idle - Help!


Jun 9, 2010
1st time boat owner, 1st time using this site. Just starting boat after sitting all winter. starts fine, won't idle. Engine runs fine at 2000 rpms, but the minute I back off that, engine cuts off. I have replaced spark plugs, fuel filter, distributor & rotor. Anyone else had this problem or have any ideas? Thanks in advance.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 30, 2007
Re: 5.0 Mercruiser Bayliner won't idle - Help!

1st time boat owner, 1st time using this site. Just starting boat after sitting all winter. starts fine, won't idle. Engine runs fine at 2000 rpms, but the minute I back off that, engine cuts off. I have replaced spark plugs, fuel filter, distributor & rotor. Anyone else had this problem or have any ideas? Thanks in advance.

Is this am MPI or carbureted engine?

What is the idle speed set at?

If it's carbureted, the idle mixture may be too lean and the PO compensated with a high idle. This would be the case if you are idling much over about 600 RPM.


Jun 9, 2010
Re: 5.0 Mercruiser Bayliner won't idle - Help!

Is this am MPI or carbureted engine?

What is the idle speed set at?

If it's carbureted, the idle mixture may be too lean and the PO compensated with a high idle. This would be the case if you are idling much over about 600 RPM.
It is a carbureted engine, idle speed is set at 650. Idle mixture too lean? PO? Can you explain? Thanks.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 30, 2007
Re: 5.0 Mercruiser Bayliner won't idle - Help!

It is a carbureted engine, idle speed is set at 650. Idle mixture too lean? PO? Can you explain? Thanks.

PO stands for previous owner.

650 is about right, so that's probably not the problem.

Carburetors have two main fuel delivery circuits. One is the idle system, which basically allows a fixed amount of air and a fixed amount of fuel into the engine. You can adjust the amount of air with the idle speed setting and the amount of fuel with the idle mixture screw. As you raise the throttle, the engine pulls enough air through the carb that it's able to meter effectively through the venturi and the fuel is pulled through the jet into the air stream. The idle screws are still admitting fuel into the engine also, but the amount is very small compared to the amount going through the jets.

Sometimes when the idle isn't right, somebody that doesn't know what they are doing will raise the idle so it won't die on them. Raising the idle speed without adjusting the mixture screws makes the idle mixture very lean, so they keep raising the idle until the engine is actually pulling enough air in that it's coming through the jets and normal fuel metering. It's no longer relying only on the idle circuit to feed the engine.

What would happen if this were the case is that as you shut the engine down it might run lean for a moment and the engine would die under sharp deceleration. But, you'd have to have the idle at 1000 RPM or so to do that, or you would have idling issues now. I assume you don't have any?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 30, 2007
Re: 5.0 Mercruiser Bayliner won't idle - Help!

Back to your topic, the first place to start is a good old fashioned tune up.

You need to set the timing and dwell if you have points ignition. You need to replace your points too. You need to set the idle speed setting and the idle mixture screws on the carburetor to make sure they are right.

The way to do this is the set the idle at the proper value, then lean out the mixture screws until the engine begins to stumble, then back richer by a quarter turn. Do this for each mixture screw and then recheck the idle speed. If it changed redo it all until it's right.


Jun 9, 2010
Re: 5.0 Mercruiser Bayliner won't idle - Help!

all I can find is a throttle adjustment screw on the carborator. I don't see any idle or mixture screws on the carb. ?? This is a 2 barrel 2004 carb. does that make a difference. Thanks.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 30, 2007
Re: 5.0 Mercruiser Bayliner won't idle - Help!

all I can find is a throttle adjustment screw on the carborator. I don't see any idle or mixture screws on the carb. ?? This is a 2 barrel 2004 carb. does that make a difference. Thanks.

They are underneath the fuel bowl on the bottom of the carburetor. They are lower than the throttle plates. I think they will point toward the bow of the boat, but not sure of that one.

Here: this is a quadrajet, but this is what you are looking for:


Jun 9, 2010
Re: 5.0 Mercruiser Bayliner won't idle - Help!

Can't find anything, it has a spring like thing pointing toward the bow. not sure what that is.


Mar 2, 2010
Re: 5.0 Mercruiser Bayliner won't idle - Help!

If that is a newer Holley Marine carb you can't adjust the idle mixture screws, they are sealed and if you open up the access to them your carb is done. (ask me how I know!)


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: 5.0 Mercruiser Bayliner won't idle - Help!

Ayuh,... The carb needs to be Rebuild,... Nothing on it's outside is goin' Fix it...