Re: 460 ford runs cold
I believe what you are missing is that the water supply on a jet boat is much more difficult to control than I believe you realize, and ALL of the water is going through the engine. On an IO setup you have a small water pump that was designed to supply the water for cooling that specific engine, and the factory water pump is circulating most of the water in the engine in the same manner as it is circulated in an automobile. on my old OMC there was a casting that the lake water went in and out of and SOME of that water was routed into the engine. Just how it was internally ducted I have no idea but only a small portion of the intake water went through the engine, most of the water in the engine kept circulating maintaining a reasonably constant temperature. I will have to say that a great deal more engineering and thought went into the system than the jet people put into theirs. On a jet boat they are attempting to siphon off a controlled amount of water off of a LARGE fire hose. I do not believe that a standard plumbing regulator could be used because in my experience as a building contractor and inspector I would doubt that it could be adjusted down to the 12 psi range, particularly when on the average jet the incoming supply can vary from almost zero pressure idling around the marina to well over 100 psi at normal crusing speeds. Ultimately with a bypass regulator which will bypass most of the water off before it hits the wet manifolds the water supply can be slowed down to a constant controlled amount. As for the wet manifolds pre heating the water, you must take into account that without pre heating the water the stone cold lake water is entering the engine and even with a thermost, which the system will ultimately have, the block which gets the cold water first will be lake cold and the futher up the engine you get the warmer the system will be. In other words the block will be fairly cold and the heads will be normal operating temperature. An improvement but still not the answer. Utilizing the original water pump and a semi closed system is obviously the better option but I would need to come up with a system similar to the one on the OMC, or probably any other IO, that has the ability to use only the amount of cold water necessary to keep the temperature constant or even better a heat exchanger which would allow the engine cooling system to be closed. As I am not particularly interested in re-engineering the entire system I am reduced in options to working with James at performance jet to modify the existing system and making it at least workable. With twenty plus years of experience working on this problem he has thought out the problems far more than you or I. For the most part I am regurgitating partially digested information I have received from him but as I work on it it makes sense.
As for the boat's home it is at Lake Arrowhead in So. Cal. in the summer and in the side yard in Oak Park, just west of Los Angles, in the winter. Seeing two feet of snow on the ski boat was more than I could handle so I tow it up in the spring and down before winter.