454 crsader new heat exchanger and still running a bit hot?????


Oct 19, 2009
originally i was mixing exhaust with radiator fluid,leavein nothing but black water in my resivor tank.and causeing the motor in rpms over 3000 to run as hot as 190 and clims into the 200,in idle as hot as 165/170.i went ahead and replaced the heat exchanger for a new one,:/ not cheap at all. and in idle im now running about 145/160 but in rpm's of 2900/3100 runs at about 165/170.
im not mixing exhuat any more but still feel im running a bit hot.any ideas anyone? im also getting a back fire belive from the carb in rpms of 3200?
anything to do with the heat issue? basically my motors are runni 40 to 50 degreese difference at all times. thanks:confused:


Mar 10, 2009
Re: 454 crsader new heat exchanger and still running a bit hot?????

Ok I will try this one.

#1. If exhaust gas got into your heat exchanger The problem is not with the exchanger. You have a blown head gasket or a crack in the heads, block or a leak in the intake manifold gasket. You can get a tester for a few bucks (same as a automotive tester. you put it where your exchanger cap goes and pull a bit of air through a chemical. If it has a leak it will tell you. Then you do some more tests to find the area and then start turning wrenches.