Hello all,<br />Help! I have a late 50's-early 60's white Mercury 4 cyl. 40 hp. I have no manuals and have not had it in the water since aquiring it. I have had it checked out by a reputable service shop, but since then the guy closed shop and moved, in order to take a job with a regular pay check! According to him, everything was in pretty good shape. He said the compression was good in two cyl. and a little low in the other two. This could be attributed to the motor sitting for several years. I am still working on the boat, but hope to drop in the water this month.<br />What fuel mixture do I use?<br />What do I need to do/check before I run it?<br />I am truely a novice and don't want to mess it up. Where might I purchase a manual on such a vintage Merc?<br />Any help would be appreciated!