40HP 1980/81 lower unit won't drop


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Apr 26, 2003
Guess my last post must have been too wordy or something, not a single reply! Let me try getting to the point quickly.<br /><br />Lower unit won't come off. Have seen many suggestions, have tried most of the easier ones, but still no luck.<br /><br />Want to make sure that I'm not missing a bolt. I have removed the bolt under the trim tab, the nut just forward of the trim tab, and have loosened the 2 nuts just above and toward the front of the anti-cav plate.<br /><br />Lower unit drops about 1/8 inch and stops. If I peek in thru the very front of the gap, it looks like there is a threaded post or bolt, but my seloc manual makes no reference to one being there, and I cannot locate any place to remove another nut or bolt.<br /><br />Before I get busy with a slide hammer on this thing, can anyone tell me if there is a hidden bolt on this unit?<br /><br />Also, when I first tried to drop it, it was not in forward gear, later I put it in forward, and since then have tried running engine and going forward/reverse to break it loose (no luck). Could I have jammed something by not having it in forward initially?<br /><br />Many thanks (in advance) to all the knowledgable and helpful folks here!<br /><br />FW

jim phillips

Chief Petty Officer
May 11, 2003
Re: 40HP 1980/81 lower unit won't drop

A little help from a dead blow or rubber hammer will work as well as wooden wedges taped in to the crack


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Apr 26, 2003
Re: 40HP 1980/81 lower unit won't drop

Thanks LJ, I have tried the rubber mallet, as well as some oak wedges with no success yet. I'm going to go at it again tomorrow, really want to know that I have all the bolts covered, I'm 99% sure, but would hate to find out that 1% cost me several hundred $ in busted parts...


Fleet Admiral
Aug 19, 2001
Re: 40HP 1980/81 lower unit won't drop

You did get them all. There's nothing actually fastening your lower end to the motor at this point. It's likely the water tube stuck in the pump housing, the exhaust tube stuck in the rubber grommet, or (worst case) driveshaft stuck in the crankshaft. Time to get physical with it... wedges, blunt force, etc.<br />- Scott