Re: 40 Hp Johnson outboard and 14 foot Sportcraft-PRICE???
Hi Wessel,<br />I'm trying to not be the person who answers all the posts,as that is not how a healthy board works.<br />However, I will give you an opinion. Boat & motors are worth what a person is willing to pay for them. If the rig fits your need perfectly you will pay more for it than if it<br />only meets half of them. In an ABOS Blue Book<br />the rig is no longer listed,it's to old.<br />That does not mean it is worthless. It does make it hard to value. You as most people don't list what state you live in so a person can tell about time of usage. WI= 4.5<br />months Texas= maybe 11 months for instance.<br />In WI, where I live rigs like that sell for<br />$300 - $1000. Max I've seen is $1200 for a mint,showroom shape rig.<br />Motors that haven't been run for years need<br />a water pump impeller put in. OMC motors that<br />old mat need new coils put in due to age. So<br />I would factor that into how much I would pay<br />for the boat.I would also test run it on the<br />water to make sure that the cluchdog in the<br />gear train works correctly and it doesn't jump out of gear while running at WOT. I can also see if any rivots leak water at that time.<br />Hope this is of some help to you. This board is fairly new give it a chance,more people<br />will find it and the knowledge base will become broader. Don't knock it,help it.Share<br />what you know and learn. Then everyone wins.<br />...have fun...corm