Re: 40 Horse Nissan has no power, sputters
Jason, as Elvin said this is common to all outboards. There is nothing in the Nissan 40 that predisposes it to this kind of problem. In fact, quite the opposite is true. It is a pretty forgiving engine. <br /><br />Altho it is certainly possible that you have an ignition issue, I still am leaning toward crud in the carbs even though you cleaned them. I would be willing to place money that they need to be pulled and soaked some more then blown out. As you know, old fuel sitting in the bowl or any piece of crap can create this problem. And it only takes a tiny piece of crud to drive you nuts. <br /><br />If the reeds are fine and there are new fuel lines (I am guessing you replaced them for a reason) we are down to the pickup in the fuel tank or something with the carbs, or bad fuel. Sorry to state the obvious......and you already knew the answer. <br /><br />Compression you checked. Spark you checked. So odds are, we know where to narrow this down. <br /><br />Contact Elvin for a service manual. They are only about $20 and he will be able to get one to you in just a few days. A service manual since it is so cheap, is an invaluable tool. <br /><br />Good luck and let us know how it turns out!