Re: 4 stroke or 2
Ahoy, Ralph. Generally the four strokes are heavier, smoother, easier starting, cleaner, quieter, more economical and more expensive. They seem to be more reliable, too, but it is a bit early in the game to tell.<br /><br />The EFI four strokes are likely to be more reliable and last longer than the carbureted ones.<br /><br />Some of the DFI 2 strokes can match the four strokes for mileage, but still use up expensive oil.<br /><br />I have a Suzi 4 stroke (70) on my Whaler 17 and using it is like using a car. I will probably not use another 2 stroke except, maybe, as an auxilary (sp?).<br /><br />The Merc you are looking at is reputed to use a Yamaha power head. It costs less and I think it is lighter than the Yamaha 115 EFI. As good as the Hondas are, I don't think they offer EFI and I would avoid them for that reason only. The Suzuki 115 EFI is an excellent engine, as is the Yamaha. <br /><br />In your case, I would not consider a 2 stroke unless cost was a decision maker, and I would go with the one of the three 4 strokes I mention above that had the best local dealer/service reputation.<br /><br />Red sky at night. . . <br />JB