Re: 4 blade prop selection...
Remember, Not ALL props are manufactured the in pitch, which can and does vary greatly, as well as blade area. You can get a 4-blade with large blade area, or smaller...just depends on the application...Larger blade area equates to better "push", but usually less RPM.<br />For the most part, 4-blades have "less" blade area (Per blade!) than the 3-blade they are intended to replace. This in turn, provides "some" of that RPM back.<br />The progression of pitch on a 4 blade is also different-you can't just "add" a fourth blade and expect simular performance. Of course this is taken into account in the manufacturing/testing process, and yet 2 props will never perform the same just because they are a certain pitch, and have the same # of blades.<br />In your application, I would expect increased hole-shot, better mid-range holding power, but loss of top-end, if we used the same pitch in 4-blade under the same conditions you started with...BUT, that isn't the case anymore...<br />Rate your boat (to yourself) as to whether you consider it heavy, but lots a power...Heavy with mid class power, etc...<br />The heavier the boat with less than max rec. power is a perfect example of a large diameter application. The "heavy" with max power would be a good example of dropping diameter. The faster "THIS" type of boat is, the less diameter you want to look at in sterndrive. There's alot of over-kill out there on prop diameters for general use boats of this type.<br />A 70MPH bassboat will break all the rules I just laid will an 18MPH boat with that being the max designed speed.<br />I give you in my first post, the closest prop in numbers to your 3-blade 15X17, that being an SS Renagade in 14-1/4X17.<br />If your new engine is going to put out say 30-40 more HP, consider a 19 pitch, but as you already know, we can guess at this for months, or, test a couple of props, get a base-line for each, and I will assure you, we can better pin-point what you need.<br />Good luck and I hope I didn't confuse you even more!