So the float was sticking at high rpm’s on this 97 caravelle I just bought. So thought I would just buy a new carb. Carb fit perfect. Boat ran great for an hour. Then at about 45mph I adjusted the trim and heard a noise like a thumping jolting noise. Slowed down and realized the noise when I hit the trim only happens at higher I thought ok. Won’t do that anymore at higher rpm’s. All was well. The. I went to speed up and at 4K rpm’s I hear a noise, maybe carb backfire? Coming from the engine almost like a dull popping noise and the boat stalls. If I keep accelerating the boat almost dies. Once at 4K rpm’s it will not go any faster and stalls. Brand new carb. Is it maybe an adjustment issue in the carb. I saw nothing funny going on with my dials. And the boat runs great at 3.8 rpm’s. But at 4rpms the above problems occurs. Thanks for any advice.