OK guys, I've read ever post pertaining to winterization and storage. I really like the California deal! Even went to the new site mentioned. I even read my manual, BUT I need to know which of the four hoses to fill with antifreese. My boat has 5 blue plugs I take out to drain the water. Then my manual said to take out the thermostat or fill though the hose. I think this thing hold 15 liters, so I need to know which is which. The first hose in the front left (facing motor) is the largest and goes down to the water pump. The one across (right side) from it goes out the back on the right side. The two smaller hoses in the back of the thermo housing go to the sides. Which hose and how much antifreeze do I need to put in the thing. I have already fogged the engine and drained and refilled the motor and outdrive. I don't even want to talk about the fun I had getting the oil filter off.<br /><br />It's a 2000 Bayliner with the 4.3 with a carb. When it comes to winterization and changing oil, I liked my old 470 merc better; but when it comes to hauling down the lake, my old 470 could not touch this thing! <br /><br />Thanks,<br />Terry G.