I have a 1997 4.3 Mercruiser with an electric fuel pump and standard 2bbl carb. I understand that it is set up with a pre lube system meaning that before the unit will start the crankcase has to have so much oil pressure. It appears I have a hot wire to pump and a wire to the oil pressure sensor on the back of the engine. I assume when the pressure is built the line from the oil sensor acts as a ground and then allows the fuel pump to work and force gas into the carb and there for "run" ..untill then I have no ground?
At present I hit the key and about 75% of the time it wire fire right and run about 4 seconds and then die, I then must dribble gas into the carb throat to keep running for about 45 seconds and then I am good to go ...the other 25% of the time it may start right up and keep running.
That being the case I ask this...can I cut into the wire running to the oil sensor and make that a "ground wire" and just by pass the sensor completely so when I hit the keep I will have completed the pos/neg circut and have the pump pushing gas into the carb..and not hurt anything?
At present I hit the key and about 75% of the time it wire fire right and run about 4 seconds and then die, I then must dribble gas into the carb throat to keep running for about 45 seconds and then I am good to go ...the other 25% of the time it may start right up and keep running.
That being the case I ask this...can I cut into the wire running to the oil sensor and make that a "ground wire" and just by pass the sensor completely so when I hit the keep I will have completed the pos/neg circut and have the pump pushing gas into the carb..and not hurt anything?