3rd time wasnt the charm


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 9, 2005
Well wif e and i take our new seahunt 22 out today to try and do some fishing, third time ive had the boat out since picking it up last week and first time for a SHT. everything went well was able to really put the boat through its paces and had a great day on the water no fish but a good time nonetheless. got back to the ramp and pulled the boat no problem. wife got in the boat and gave me the gear and said she would wash it so i could rest before putting the boat in the shed, I said ok just let me wash off the rams for the tilt so i can put it up on its stops, did that and gave her the hose and watched her washout the transom livewwell then proceeded to tilt the motor up, HEY WHATS THAT CRUNCHIG SOUND! the lid to the livewell was open and right in the way of the motor. well I now have a livewell lid in the garage with two hinges to straighten out before i go fishing tommorrow.
P.S> almost did the forgot the straps thing but remembered right when i hit the water line, pulled up to my wife going you had it line dup honey what are you doing, straps, ohh shh

Nova II 260

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 27, 2006
Re: 3rd time wasnt the charm

Be patient with the admiral's errant ways,
You'll have her trained in no time....;


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 9, 2005
Re: 3rd time wasnt the charm

oops, let me in all fairness clarify. I was the one tilting the motor using the housing controls, she didnt f-up this time it was me.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 10, 2006
Re: 3rd time wasnt the charm

Takes a strong man to admit it too.

Nova II 260

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 27, 2006
Re: 3rd time wasnt the charm

It takes courage mon ami, to lay blame on oneself. But let's analyze the problem. She married you. She agreed on the purchase of the Seahunt. She went out for the day with you. By failing to supervise you at a critical time, damage occured. Yep, it's her fault. A simple case of negligence :devil:


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: 3rd time wasnt the charm

Yes....Nova....your are probably correct....(gotta' be...yer from Ohiya')....but further analization of the problem in for mentioned post is needed.

Supervisors are NEVER wrong....espically when she's your wife. They can deny everthing with a straight face and make it yer fault and you will own up to it just because.....she's the super. EVEN if she was the one (hypothetically) operating the tilt button and caused the damage, it will still be your fault because you never taught her the "right" way to do it....and....you will say...OK...my fault. A Super being negligent???? Unheard of. It's your fault. So....bf just may as well own up to it.....his fault...his boat....his lid...and it better be fixed before SHE wants to go fishin' agin.

What burns my bucket is....the're fishin' already. We got another month at least before it's even close to being fishin' time.

Nova II 260

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 27, 2006
Re: 3rd time wasnt the charm

Been wih the same admiral for 36 years. I think i know how mine operates, well, maybe not. But Boatflounder, OBJ did mention something that is very important.. better get that lid fixed before your admiral wants to go fishing again.

OBJ, You're right, he's fishing already! I don't feel sorry for the beating she may give him one bit.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 9, 2005
Re: 3rd time wasnt the charm

Thanks for the support guys and if it makes you feel any nbetter I dont know sh@# about fishing and havent caught a da@# thing yet, but have had a blast taking the boat out and doing what i could!

got the liod almost fixed but have to order new hinges before i get home in april. worked for me and mom today but the admiral aint gonna want to put that extra nudge to get the lid to latch!


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: 3rd time wasnt the charm

We are always here for you bf....d:)d:)

Enjoy the water and all it has to offer! (still jealous):/