Re: 3500# tow rating
That 18' boat and all the stuff you'll end up putting in it is going to weigh a lot more than that.<br /><br />I had a Nissan truck with a auto/V-6. It was rated for 3500# too. But I don't think the guy that rated it ever pulled a drunk %%%ant out of a mud hole with it.<br /><br />I thought I was fearless, until I pulled a EMPTY! 16' flatbed trailer with it. That scared me a little. Then I pulled a 3,000 pound boat & trailer. I about had to scrape my skivies after 20 miles of doing that in city traffic.<br /><br />That sensation of hitting the brakes--- and nothing happens,,,,,,,,,, is something to behold. <br /><br /><br />Here's a option for ya to consider:<br /><br />Call down to the Nissan house and ask them what a transmission overhaul costs on your truck.<br /><br />Then, look around and see what a 20 yr. old Chevy or Ford 1/2 ton truck costs that needs a paint job and a little body work.<br /><br /><br />I'll bet its cheaper to buy a old American 1/2 ton truck- and pay $20 a month to store it someplace other than your driveway- a truck that will pull that boat up and down them mountains, and you won't know its back there,,,, than to have a trans. overhauled on the Nissan after you've broke down on the road, had to wait for the wrecker, and made your way back home....