First off, I would like to say that this is an awesome board... One of the most active sites I've come across.<br />I need your guys help. I took my boat out equipped with a 96' 30HP yamaha out for the first time since it returned home from winter storage. I fire it up and it starts easily but when I give it 3/4 throttle or more, it overheats... or at least the buzzer goes off. I can drive it for a good 20 minutes or more at half throttle or less but when I give it more gas, it overheats. I had a similar problem (but different) with it last year but it would drive for 15 minutes at full throttle before hearing the overheating buzzer. And then I had to wait til' it cooled down before I could turn the key without hearing the buzzer. I had it serviced at my local marina and the problem was fixed with a new impeller. Now comes the weird part...<br /><br />Knowing I had a problem with my outboard and still wanting to fish, I decided to just use the trolling motor. 15 minutes into fishign with the trolling motor and with the outboard off, the buzzer goes off again. I had to turn the key another click to where it allows the key to come out. Why would the buzzer go off with the motor off? Do you think it could be the impeller again or something else? I purchased a manual for my outboard so maybe I could turn a few wrenches and check out some stuff.<br /><br />I also checked the oil level and it was fine. Can someone point me in the right direction?<br /><br />Thanks in advanced.<br /> <br />Kirk