Drove my boat 15 miles at 3500 rpm, 25 mph, trolled for 3 hours, drove another 5 miles to a new spot and slowed down to 1000 rpm and then I noticed a cluncking sound, it would clunk randomly every 5 to 10 seconds. put it in neutral and still clunked. trimed it up or down and noise would change and finally found a trim setting that did not clunk any longer. Trolled another 3 hours and headed back 15 miles to boat launch and did not change the trim and no problem getting back at 25 mph. When I got back close to launch, I change the trim to see if it clunks and I could not make it clunk again. Just ran it in my driveway and no problem. Planning to go again Saturday fishing another 20 miles offshore and I am worried. does anyone has any idea what it was. Clunk sounded like let say fish finder transducer got loose and hanging on the cable and was hitting the boat or lower unit once a while. Thanks