I have a 2003 3.0 Volvo GSP-3. I bought the boat used and have the list of problems !!!! One being the distributer seized. I installed a new distributer and got the boat running "by ear". I want to time it....I bought the jumper plug # 885163-6 ....I have the mark on the flywheel marked in white and am ready to go !!! EXCEPT, I can't see any numbers on the timing plate on the motor !!! It has 5 notches and none are deeper than the others so I have no idea which is top dead center. I know the basic timing on this motor is 2 degrees ATDC....I just don't know what notch to use !!! It seems to me that I could be off as much as 10 degrees either way if I guess wrong.
I have a photo of the plate from the seloc manual and I can't really read it either !! I am attaching the photo to this post with the hopes that someone can describe which notch is TDC and I will go ahead with timing my engine.
Thank you....I recently loined this forum and it has been a tremendous help in getting my boat running !!
I have a photo of the plate from the seloc manual and I can't really read it either !! I am attaching the photo to this post with the hopes that someone can describe which notch is TDC and I will go ahead with timing my engine.
Thank you....I recently loined this forum and it has been a tremendous help in getting my boat running !!