3.0 L Mercruiser non-winterizing question(s)


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 22, 2011
So i don't really want to fully winterize the boat as i will be using it throughout the winter. Living in Western WA, it doesn't get real bitter cold, although it does freeze from time to time, and I plan on doing some fishing on the lake when the weather isn't "too" miserable. As a full time motorcycle commuter here in Washington, I feel it's not too big a stretch to put the boat in the water once in a while during the winter.

So my 2 questions are :

1. Based on the pictures attached, what do I need to do to make sure the engine doesn't freeze up? All pics are on the port side on the engine compt. It appears I have two hoses used to drain the block and there is also a fitting in close proximity to where the one blue hose attaches to the block. The one hose you can see me holding in my hand used to be attached to the BLOCK DRAIN plate along with the blue hose I imagine, but was capped by PO I believe because quick release fitting broke.

2. What do i need to do before putting it in the water and firing it up once I drain it out? Will the engine block refill from sea suction? Or do I have to manually fill something before hand?

Thanks in advance.



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