So after reading a bunch of threads on replacing the alternator belt I decided I'd tackle mine today. It's been squealing a bit and has a bunch of slack despite the alternator being at the end of the adjustment range. (doesn't look like previous owner used the right size or it's way overstretched). Upon inspection of the pulleys and work to be done I noticed that the main belt pulley for the steering/alternator is actually rubbing on the large washer for the mount (see pic). I'm assuming this can't be correct. Despite the fact that they've been rubbing, I never heard it or noticed until now (despite having my face down in the bilge yesterday while running). Can something be adjusted here without affecting the alignment? (boat was aligned by marina last spring, I don't have the tools required to re-align)
I don't see any way to get the new alternator belt in without removing the pulley despite reading threads that say I shouldn't have to - I'm guessing that if all were as it should be, not only would these not be rubbing, but there'd be enough clearance between the pulley and this washer to fit a belt. In it's current state, I'm not even positive I can remove the pulley!!
I don't see any way to get the new alternator belt in without removing the pulley despite reading threads that say I shouldn't have to - I'm guessing that if all were as it should be, not only would these not be rubbing, but there'd be enough clearance between the pulley and this washer to fit a belt. In it's current state, I'm not even positive I can remove the pulley!!