25hp evinrude how do you tell what year the mod no is 25802C The serial# is E0004584.

25hp evinrude how do you tell what year the mod no is 25802C The serial# is E0004584.

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  • Besides spark plugs are there any extra parts that I should keep onboard?

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Pogo Pruitt

Jun 20, 2009
I will need this information since I'm planning on cranking it up for the first time since it came to live with me almost seven years ago. Any suggestions on prepreping I'm almost sure I'll be needing parts!! But thats for another forum...


Supreme Mariner
Apr 26, 2002
Re: 25hp evinrude how do you tell what year the mod no is 25802C The serial# is E0004

Welcome,In the FAQ section read waking a sleeping outboard.
25802 25 hp 1978. I believe 02 is manual start short shaft.Most routine parts are available right here or any of dozens of venders and well established BRP dealers.Be sure to seek any help in the E/J section.