24V Trolling Motor wiring


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 25, 2003
There have been numerous posts on this topic and i have searched, but i just would like to know in short how to map out a wiring diagram to install 24V. I have Envinrude Scout that has a switch for 12V and 24V. There are 3 leads from the TM to the battery setup (2 batteries). Red, Black and white.<br /><br />Do i install as below:<br />(TM = Trolling Motor BM is Battery #)<br />TM Red to B2 Pos<br />TM Black to B1 Neg<br />TM White to B1 Pos<br />Crossover from B1 Pos to B2 Neg<br /><br />Also, if for some reason i need to run 12V<br />what battery is considered the primary 12V battery?<br /><br />Also, i have an onboard charger that is capable of charging 2 each 12V batteries. This charger is supposed to go off automatically after both batteries are charged and it has never done that.<br />It's a Guest Onboard charger.<br /><br />thanks.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: 24V Trolling Motor wiring

Yep...the wiring is right bassmani. The 12 volt battery is usually considered the one with the red lead from the trolling motor.<br /><br />Is the charger bringing up the batteries to full charge? Some chargers change rate during the charging cycle and as the rates get lower, charging time is extended. My Guest Duo Pro will take a good 8 hours to bring the batteries back up.....depending on how low the charge is to begine with. <br /><br />Got a battery tester that checks charge level? Might tell you something.


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 25, 2003
Re: 24V Trolling Motor wiring

thanks OBJ.<br /><br />I have a battery tester and it shows full charge, but it is the cheapy tester that shows led red to green. Does not give actual numeric readings. <br />I had it charge for a good day and it did not automatically go off (usually indicated by a constant green LED on the guest charger)..


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: 24V Trolling Motor wiring

How old is the battery? Might just be gettin' old and won't come all the way up.<br /><br />And on the other hand it may be the charger. Problem with sealed chargers, can't get into them. Maybe call Guest and see what they say.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: 24V Trolling Motor wiring

If this is an older 2-bank charger it may not be 12 AND 24 capable. In other words it can't be used for series connected batteries because its ground leads are not isolated from each other. Some of those chargers were built to work with two batteries wired for parallel (still 12V) operation. It can be used but it takes some extra wiring and switches to separate the two batteries while being charged and to isolate the charger when the charger is not in use.