20hp Tohatsu/Nissan Trolling Vibration


Apr 11, 2008
I am going to purchase a 20hp outboard for my 14-foot v-hull aluminum fishing boat...very basic boat with tiller steering. Tohasu/Nissan is looking really good from a financial and reliability standpoint (so I have read). But I have also read that the older 18hp seemed to shake alot at idle/trolling speeds. I almost spend all of my time trolling around so this is very important to me. Any one have experience with the new 20 HP or the old 18hp? I realize it is a twin and it will shake some, but is it excessive? Anyone compare with the Yamaha 20hp and Honda 20HP 4-Stokers? Thanks for your help!


Jul 22, 2004
Re: 20hp Tohatsu/Nissan Trolling Vibration

They all vibrate the same., although Tohatsu claims they have reduced it on the new 20. As the 20 has only been out for a few weeks there are not many who have seen one yet. My only experience with the 20 has been running one in a test tank and I didn't see any difference between it and anything else. Discount anyone who has ever complained about any brand or model of engine vibrating. It's always someone with little or no experience. Usually it's a first time boater who, "has a friend and his brand X doesn't vibrate" doesn't realize that each application is different. The Honda, Yamaha and Tohatsu are all cut from the cloth and I doubt if their is a noticable difference in performance of any of them. Price wise they should all be in the $2600.00 range as they sell to their respective dealers for a figure that is within $50.00 of each brand.


Apr 11, 2008
Re: 20hp Tohatsu/Nissan Trolling Vibration


Thanks for the reply. I was hoping that you might say that. I know the vibration will be allot better than the early 70's Merc 2-stroke that I currently have. It is kind of tough making a decsion on which outboard is better or worse or even most suitable, as there is not allot of info out there on small outboards. I wish there was someone that would actually reveiw and compare small HP outboards and publish the findings. Even if the info is subjective or biased, at least it is more info than is currently out there. Every outboard and brand has its strengthes and weakenesses, I just wish I knew what they were and could better make my descisions based in that. I think the money saved on a Tohatsu will be well worth it as they appear every bit as good as the rest. I am planning on having this outboard for many years and the reliablity and durability appear to be there...I hope.