I have a chance to pick up an unused 2024 Mercury 9.9 EFI prokicker still in the crate for a really good price. I would like to run a side mount control box but have no idea which box is compatible with this motor. Your help would be greatly appreciated. I’m looking for either Quicksilver or aftermarket.
Go to iboats site or similar site thats got the Mercury parts look up, put in your s/n that should bring up the part section. I think side mount controls will be in accessories or steering.
With part numbers you can google for prices or try ebay. I have found both searches work well.
Mercury may sell a kit for the install. Often the kit comes with good instructions.
You can probably search with the p/n for instructions and “pdf” to search description often helps.
Mercury had a friendly web page that has owners manuals and installation instructions pdf. I think the down loads are free.