I bought a 2021 tracker V-16 from a private seller. I took it to Cabelas for an inspection to have the warranties extended to me and all is good. The salesman said there was only 2.6 hours of engine wear. All good. Then I launch the boat for the first time and I have water in the storage compartment on the starboard side. I know the drain plug was tight. Had it in the water for a week and each day I had to bilge water (not a lot) and the compartment always was wet or damp towards the rear. I'm assuming there is a plumbing issue (livewell) that I would like to look at. Does anyone have any ideas how to access the recirculating pump and the area around it on the starboard side? Boat is upnorth and I really don't want to drag it back to Cabelas, have it sit and they tell me they can't find the leak. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.