2013 Honda BF5a

Jul 21, 2012
Picked up a new Honda outboard , broke it in did oil and LU change , it seems to idle like a sowing machine at 1200 RPM and runs a bit rough and get a lot of stuttering at 1000 can run 1100 RPM fairly well but still pushes my 14 foot alum. fishing boat a bit fast for trolling .
I ordered a new prop with 7/8 less pitch same diamature hoping to get a little lower speed and a lower smooth idle .So the question is what is the best I can hope for at the low end idle ? It's turning 4500 at WOT and I have backed the idle in neutral to 1200 RPM's witch seems to be the sweet spot after about 60 hrs of run time .
Always use fresh gas with stabilizer and run the carb dry and have cleaned the low speed idle jet but it was not needed .

Jul 21, 2012
Re: 2013 Honda BF5a

Any one have any idea how low I can get this to idle , Think the limiting factor here is the butterfly valve is at the very close to closed point ?
With the smaller pitched prop will I see much slower speeds at 1200 RPM over the stock one ,will the 7/8 reduction in pitch keeping the 7 7/8 Dia. ?

Jul 21, 2012
Re: 2013 Honda BF5a

Replaced the prop with a with 7 7/8 x 6 5/8 Wot went up to 5100 from 4500 with the 7 7/8 x 7 1/2 tach may be off it's a cheap one but keeping it at or under 4800 , I beleave the rev-limiter is keeping it at 5100 because there is a lot of throttle left after hitting 5100 !
Bad news is it did not help low end much like I had hoped still trolling a bit fast for my target fish.
Still looking on any input on how slow a BF5 will idle mine seems to not have changed much I have about 70 hrs on it now.



Master Chief Petty Officer
Oct 20, 2010
Re: 2013 Honda BF5a

What does the manual say for idle speed and max rpm? 5100 sounds low to me for a small motor, I would guess that it should be closer to 6000. You may need a prop with even less pitch. Also if your idle speed is set lower than the recommended then that can cause unstable idle.
Jul 21, 2012
Re: 2013 Honda BF5a

Idle speed per manual 1550 + - 50 no load ,MAX RPM 4500 - 5000 Rev limited , I need to slow it down for trolling , fishing at the lowest pitch available for this motor so will be looking into some kind of a speed brake or flaps for my boat :)


P.S. Still looking for some one that has first hand knowledge on how low they will idle but think I am at the limit because of butterfly in the carb. :-(


Master Chief Petty Officer
Oct 20, 2010
Re: 2013 Honda BF5a

If the manual says 1500 then I am not surprised that you're having trouble at 1000. Be careful about going to much lower than recommended, you may run into oil pressure and water flow issues.
Jul 21, 2012
Re: 2013 Honda BF5a

Plenty of water flow and oil pressure never blinks if any thing it seems to be running cold and I cant wait to try it on a very hot day to see how it will idle ,seems to run a bit better after running it at WOT for a bit to get the temp. up :)