2012 E-tec 25


Jul 19, 2019
I picked up what 25 horse E-Tec at the end of the season last year. The owner was moving from near Seattle down to Georgia and he had two other Yamahas and had no more room. He bought this motor from another guy who said it had a bad emm. The place that it was taken to, I know that Marine establishment, but I don't think they're very good. Either way I'm making this thread so other people might be able to follow my lead if they need to repair theirs. The model number is e25drSIIs.

Having owned a 115 E-Tech since 2011 I know just enough to know that you better be careful how you work on them. This one seems to be even more somewhat strange because it's a rope start.

I can go to the E-Tech website but I kind of figured I'd do one here just for grins.
Crosbyman has put out lots of info and where to get the software and the cords so I think I'm finally going to dive in and learn how to do all this stuff so I can work on them.

So I started a few days ago and ran into issues, knowing that you can't put a standard spark plug tester on them I decided I wouldn't check for spark. I did pull the Man overboard cord and did a compression check on the upper cylinder. Checks out nice. Lower one you have to take the cowels off and I haven't done that yet. Biggest problem I'm having is these things are not fun to pull over. I'm a 61-year-old ex concrete contractor and I'm having difficulties with my right arm. The rope guide, that's inside the recoil system is broken and that's the way I got it. The way the rope sits in this recoil without that you're pretty much screwed. Luckily, seaway Marine is 20 minutes up the street but lo and behold they had to order it. Be here in a week.

So in the meantime I kind of took it apart. Staring at the emm, I don't see anything that jumps out at me. I don't see any popped capacitors or anything that's been overheated. I do see some funny film that I can move around when I push on it with my finger. Not sure if it's water or if the whole thing is bathed in oil.

While taking things apart, to figuring out what things do, I found that the VST was unplugged from its electrical connection. Now it's possible that that was the only issue or it's possible that they were checking it for power when they were checking the emm, ?? I'm hoping it's the first thing.

Anyhow I was going to put it all together and try to fire it with the VST plugged in but I don't have the rope guide yet so I'm going to wait for that to get here.

It does have some self-diagnosticing and when I pull it over three of the four lights were working. I have the book and I know which each light is doing but the first light... or the one that's closest to the middle, is not lighting up. Again, it's tough to pull.

Figuring out the software and the cord so I can get real information will be interesting. Still haven't figured out how to order all that completely yet.

Does anybody know if an emm can be read when it's off of the motor? I'll be looking into that as well.

Here's some pics......


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Vice Admiral
Nov 5, 2006
i doubt you could test the EMM on a bench .. One fellow on the ETEC site was actually looking at developping a test adapter for that very purpose but not much info is available.

may as well not mess things up and wait for your parts. Surprising it is so hard to turn over I have actually started my 75hp ETEC with the spare pull cord with no problems.

EV diag should tell you something... or nothing if dead but at least some LEDs are coming on. the trick to connect on a roppy is to power the EMM with a B+ supply...why not check in the ETEC site for procedure or ask user GEB .
see manual page 59 for EMM power up !

see an old post on a 50hp I2 roppy
seahorse08/29/16 · Édité
An inline engine like your 50 HP has a completely different electrical system than the V-block engines have.

You will not get any data out of the EMM on a rope start model unless the engine is running or you have the special tool wiring adapter as explained in the service manual.

Diagnostic communications on non-running rope
start models requires that power is supplied to the

Use Diagnostic Power Supply Tool, P/N 587005,
to supply power to the EMM. The power supply
uses internal 9-volt batteries.
Disconnect the tiller handle harness connector
from the engine harness. Connect Power Supply
Tool to the engine harness connector. Turn toggle
switch to the ON position to power the EMM.

IMPORTANT: Static tests require more power
than the internal batteries of the tool can provide.
Static tests performed using only the internal
power supply batteries will produce false results.

Connect an external 12 volt battery to the Power
Supply Tool when performing these static tests:
• Fuel pump
• Fuel injector
• Ignition coil
• Oil injector
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Jul 19, 2019
Rope wise....like I said, that broken dangling rope guide was not helping. Binding really.

I did read about how you have to hook up a battery but they didn't explain how to do it. Regular manual says it has a fuse and a back up fuse. I have a back up fuse but there is no main fuse. Read later that the rope start doesn't have a fuse....funny they give you a backup though.

I also haven't scene a way to check spark really...or practically. Sounds like an adapter and a timing light.

Not in a hurry, and haven't had much time but winter is long so it's my quest for now.

Appreciate the advice, and I'll pick up a cord. Lots of learning to do I'm sure and getting experience on this is going to be fun.

I'll keep you posted.



Vice Admiral
Nov 5, 2006
I did read about how you have to hook up a battery but they didn't explain how to do it
I have never done it myself but the 2011 manual seems explicit with references to 2 types of "power up cable"

If I read this correctly one type has a 9 v internal battery to just power up the EMM using the"tiller cable"

the other adapter does the same but with a more robust power source directly from a 12V battery using clips her isa picture from the 2001 manual...mostly likely the same for a 2012 engine !


  • ETEC 25hp EMM power-up 2011.pdf
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Jul 19, 2019
Okay, just got back to this....got the new rope guide piece back on and while better, it's still a beast to pull. Tried to get it to run but no joy yet.

To back up, I had downloaded some E-tec stuff and I hit Crosby's stuff but when went to open his file or files it wouldn't open and said some reason why. Anyhow, went to where those all go (file folder) and there was some zip file which I downloaded and it went everywhere in my phone. It's in my photos, Facebook...files. Quite a large share of information, to much really.

So here is what I've learned or have found. The 4 lights on the emm should be flashing. My volt one isn't flashing....which is the light close to the center of the engine. When I look up under the flywheel I see this one coil looking pretty wonky. The neutral switch is adjustable and might need resetting but you can't get to it without removing the lower covers. That will have to be next time.

Did find this one YouTuber that did this....



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