2011 DF115 Ugh. Intermittent PTT problems


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 17, 2010
My PTT is being a PITA :)

Once in awhile, the engine fails to respond to a switch call for the PTT to raise the engine. It will lower, but not raise. No hydraulic motor running for a raise command.

It will not respond to either the throttle PTT Up button, nor will it work with the engine cowl button.

And then, it will suddenly start working.

To me, this seems like either the tilt limit switch, or the PTT relay. One or the other is sticking.

I did a parts search, and it appears that there is only a single relay for both up and down : part # 38860-76F01.

I hate just shotgunning around and replacing parts without knowing what's wrong. But it would be horrible to be stuck out on a boat ramp and NOT be able to raise the engine. I can hear the skeg grinding on the ramp as I type this.

Questions :

1) Is it true that the newer DF115 4 strokes only have a single relay for both up and down PTT operation?
2) I see that on the PTT, there is a bypass screw valve which will allow the motor to drop down. Will this bypass screw also allow the motor to be raised?
3) If only one relay ($29) and one limit switch ($39) maybe I should just swap them out and be done with it. I'd still like to know the answer to question 2 though.

Anybody swap out these parts? How tough is it?




Fleet Admiral
Sep 7, 2008
testing voltage into and out of the T&T relay while the problem occurs will help determine if the relay is bad.
the manual bypass should work for raising and lowering the motor. but you may need help raising it by hand


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 17, 2010
Where the heck is the PTT relay? 2010 Suzuki 11502F

OK.. I think I was wrong on the model year of my motor earlier.. the serial number is 11502F-210401 which looks to be a "late" 2010.

I have some intermittent PTT issues that I previously posted about. I'm going to throw parts at it.... a new PTT relay, and limit switch. But where the heck are these? I have the Suzuki service manual, and it is almost worthless. Is the relay and housing hidden by the port side mid unit cover? Or?????

Thanks for any help. I might as well be blindfolded. ha.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 17, 2010
Nope... I was really wrong. I just looked up the full part serial number, and it is showing up as a 2012 motor! Holy cow. The boat is a 2009, and I don't think the guy I bought it from new how new the motor was either. (Assuming Brownspoint's chart is correct)


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Please don't start a second thread on the same issue.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 17, 2010
OK... digging into this a little bit, and managed to figure out where the limit switch is located. It is tucked under the front of the engine, and when the engine tips forward, there is a cam ring which rides on the main "hinge pin" (for lack of better description). From what I have been reading, I'm thinking this limit switch and/or ring alignment is the culprit. I think I am going to give a shot at swapping out that switch. I may also put in a bypass toggle switch if I can figure out a way to get it mounted securely under the cowling.

I love this engine, but that is a horrible design.

I'll post pictures as I progress. Hopefully this will help someone else out.