2008 tahoe 215--prop?


Aug 3, 2009
hi guys,
i received some help in the past from some guys and need some more input...
i have a 2008 tahoe 215 with a 5.0 mercruiser. it came with a 23 pitch 3 blade, that wouldnt even get on plane...i just changed plugs- which were way over gapped from factory, and went to amsoil marine,....
i now have a 19 pitch 3 blade merc prop....wot 5000rpm trimmed up and running 48-49 mph. that is with 40 gallons of fuel and 6 adults.....i am looking for a good prop for tubing and cruising....i realize that i am just above max rpm...so i am wandering if a 4 blade 19 pitch or 20 would be best....i just want to be sure before i spend the cash on a ss prop--since i have aluminum now..hole shot is pretty good now but this is a heavy boat...thanks


May 2, 2010
Re: 2008 tahoe 215--prop?

I have a Tahoe 204 I put a 4 blade (14X19) on mine and it heelped with the overall proformince of the boat


Jun 29, 2003
Re: 2008 tahoe 215--prop?

If you go UP in pitch with a 4 bld. it would be the same as adding 2-3" from what you have now in a 3bld. For more push and keeping the rpm where it is, I'd be hard-pressed NOT to go with a Stiletto Baypro II 18P (4-bld). This prop works quite well on your style of boat...carries it real well.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: 2008 tahoe 215--prop?

1. http://boatpropellers.iboats.com/Me...23174/?**********=492071527&*******=638395076

2. http://boatpropellers.iboats.com/Me.../9586/?**********=708165614&*******=638395076

If your motor is a fuel injected the baypro 11 should hit the numbers...It will act like a agressive 19p ss dropping the rpm to 4700-4800. Now if not a efi motor that solas would be my choice...Your in a funny spot here..almost right in between the numbers..

19p 3blade alum @4950..drop 200 for the ss..100 for the blade nets 4750 thats the solas..

The bay pro is cupped more agressively than the solas effectivley making it act like a higher pitch...I have one a 20p that shows a effecticve slip of 4%...:D...Not possible but a very well informed member here pointed out that the cupping was the key..It is a very agressive prop tons of midrange

One last thing...Thats great performance for that boat.When your @ wot and the load your describing..Have you ever noticed a very breif just a nano second of a miss on the motor. This is important in the fact that if so it might be possible to turn a 20..Marine motors are cammed in such a way that they are lazy at the top end

From personal experience i ran a 19 3blade alum prop.Only @ wot on smooth water could you hear the miss and it was not consistent...I tried two different props. both Baypro's a 20 and 22..The boats speed jumped from 50 to 55 and guess what..4950 and on a calm day..she still pops the rev limiter...The 22 however will not turn past 4500 @ 53 no matter what is tried..

What would be intresting is if you could make a run without that load and see if you can get the rev limiter to pop..I believe a 20' 260 hp boat should be able to turn a 20 its just what is going on at the top end of the band to be in question


Jan 13, 2006
Re: 2008 tahoe 215--prop?

If you go UP in pitch with a 4 bld. it would be the same as adding 2-3" from what you have now in a 3bld. For more push and keeping the rpm where it is, I'd be hard-pressed NOT to go with a Stiletto Baypro II 18P (4-bld). This prop works quite well on your style of boat...carries it real well.

:rolleyes: Baypro fan boy huh...:D


Aug 3, 2009
Re: 2008 tahoe 215--prop?

thanks for all the info guys....
i never did notice a miss at wot- but i wil go out and listen for it.
it is the carb 5.0 @220 hp.....i did not know there was a rev limitor, i just throttled back once i topped 5,000rpms


Jan 13, 2006
Re: 2008 tahoe 215--prop?

thanks for all the info guys....
i never did notice a miss at wot- but i wil go out and listen for it.
it is the carb 5.0 @220 hp.....i did not know there was a rev limitor, i just throttled back once i topped 5,000rpms

A carbed motor is not rev limited..however you have said you hit 5000 and pulled it back. So 19 gets 5000 and 20 should get 4800 drop 200 for ss nets 4600 another 100 for the 4th blade and your 4500... Those are alum to ss numbers...Use a 18 and that goes to 4700...Thats playing it safe....Could you turn a 20...perhaps....:D

You may lose 1 or maybe 2 mph but at the top...i doubt that...but it will be much smoother and by far more midrange tourqe and better hole shot...85% of your boating occurs there...:cool:

Nice boat



Aug 3, 2009
Re: 2008 tahoe 215--prop?

i love the boat, not the best for fishing- but my 4 yr old loves to tube...
so are you saying that i need an 18 or 20 pitch ss 4 blade?
it came with a 23 pitch but it was horrible no power and would not turn 3500 rpm