2008 Suzuki DH140 engine issues

hold em hook

Mar 8, 2009
Engine has not been cranked in a year-year and a half. I got all of the old gas out of it and put fresh in.
Day 1
Went to lake to run it, turned over a few times and cranked right up. Went for a ride and it ran well then started cutting out like it was starved for gas. I pumped the ball and cranked right up. Repeat it starts starving again, so I pump the ball and keep it running. Ball would never get firm, no biggie just buy a new pump ball.
Day 2
Took it back to the lake, repeat of Day 1 and new ball would not stay firm. Came home and checked the hose going into the top of the tank and found it cracked/broke so replaced that. Pumped the ball and it got firm and stayed firm for over 24 hours.
Day 3
back to the lake again. Repeat of Day 1 & 2 except this time the ball was for the most part firm. Could squeeze it in about a 1/4 inch and keep it running off and on.
Day 4 I removed the LP fuel pump from back of engine, pumped ball and no gas was leaking from the backside into the case. Could pump the shaft on it and gas would pump out. Put air pressure on it and it seemed to hold pressure.

Could this be the HP fuel filter causing all of this since it sat for so long and clogged up now? Thinking of bypassing it and seeing how the engine runs without it to verify if it is or is not the filter.