2007 Volvo 5.7 GI-F Cooling problem HELP

Black Snow Slide

Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 15, 2007
2007 Volvo 5.7 Cooling Problem DP-SK drive. Sealed cooling system with a heat exchanger

I am stumped as well as 5 other friends who have many years of boating. Boat fresh from winter storage. I installed a new raw water impeller. OEM part, same part number and side by side exactly the same. In stalled with a new rubber seal. (Yes I took out the old) cap on, sealed down. Useing muffs that are tight around the intakes good water pressure. Water flows when started but after about 5 minutes it will not draw water through. If I rev it up, will help but still not as good as the old one.

Trouble shooting: I took off the exit hose ( the bottom one ) and started it again. No water exiting the pump when motor is running.

I took off the raw water intake hose and hooked up a shop vac to it. Sealed it around the hose and turned the Vac on. Outside very strong suction at the out drive. I then turned the vac from sucking to blowing and good flow of air at outdrive.

Any ideas? I cant figure this one.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: 2007 Volvo 5.7 GI-F Cooling problem HELP

Do you have a hose for flushing the engine or a Neutra salt system on your engine?
Being a 2007, do you have your engine SN handy?

Black Snow Slide

Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 15, 2007
Re: 2007 Volvo 5.7 GI-F Cooling problem HELP

It does have a hose connection in the engine compartment. That hose taps into the line that draws raw water from the stern drive. With the hose running and motor off water flows easily and freely out the out drive. When I start the motor it flushes as it used to on the muffs. I ran it for about an hour and she held temp at 180 witch is what it is sappose to for a closed system. I think my problem is muffs suck. Or any other thoughts please help.