Don't know why CS sent me the tracking number to my plugs delivered yesterday, and only the number, no other word listed. Do believe CS (not listing name) was telling me you got what you ordered were done. So I sent another email showing iboats part and UPC number.
This was only $25 worth of stuff and I'm not going to get ticked off because someone in CS thinks its not their fault, nor want to explain why I messed up (even though I did not look for the UPC at first nor the stock number). CS did mention a couple times about talking to someone about part numbers. Hearing this I'm thinking OK let me talk to someone at iboats about the part, and when I asked who I was told a dealer. I don't need a dealer to tell me what part I need, already know that.
So now I'm assuming CS nor iboats will discuss further so I'll just go buy them somewhere else. No since trying here again I'll run into the same issue.
Did do some more looking and NGK no longer list the 4179 part, only the 4339 for the plug. I'm guessing could be the old stock and they no longer make them. Could be places like iboats and others bought a bunch of them being clearanced out and now their stuck with them