I just got a 2004 Yamaha 4 stroke 8hp short shaft mail order. It is my first outboard. I took it out of the box and secured it to my boat transom. I put in the required weight oil and and attached the gas line and then decided to test it to see if it ran. I read the manual but did not realize that I should not operate it out of water. I started it on Friday, gunned it a bit and let it idle for about a minute or two to make sure it worked. On Saturday, I did the same while showing the motor to a friend. On Sunday, I went fishing. It started fine and I started to troll. After about a quarter mile, the engine died and I could not restart it. I waited a bit thinking it was the fuel line and that I flooded it. I restarted it with no problems. I then decided to break in the engine by running it at 1/2 power for one hour. It ran fine for about a half mile and then lost acceleration and eventually died. I rowed to shore and read the manual further. I waited and started the boat again about an hour later and looked for water being sprayed from the engine. No water was coming out and I figured the engine apparently was overheating. I threaded a wire in there, it was not plugged up; I took apart the water intake near the propeller and found bits and pieces of the impeller. <br /><br />Did I screw up by starting it out of water or was the impeller or water pump defective? Are you absolutely never supposed to start an outboard out of water?