Re: 2004 honda 20hp electric start
I have an EFI Honda, so no concerns like you have; just turn the key and go. A friend has two carbureted Hondas with separate idle speed levers and choke switches at the remote control stations. His procedure is to lift the levers to set a higher than idle RPM, hit the choke switch and then start, one engine at a time. Each starts instantly with the choke on, then runs at the higher than idle RPM after he releases the choke switch. He runs them at the slightly higher than normal idle RPM for maybe 30 seconds then pushes the idle speed levers back down, and the engines run smoothly at normal idle speed. Only then do we cast off from the pier and head out.<br /><br />If you do likewise and not cast off until the engines are warm, then you won't be affected by any wind. If it takes more than a minute or so for your engines to warm up/run smoothly, verify that your idle RPM is not too low when warm. Good luck.