Last year I had a hard time starting my outboard when it was cold, after I got it running its a simple push of the button and it fires right back up after being warmed up! This spring I had it serviced, the service place replaced an accelerator pump I believe it was and cleaned the carbs. This year I have the exact same issue, hard to start cold!
My routine is to pump the primer bulb until hard, put throttle at "Start" position and push the start button while it just cranks and cranks and cranks. I twist the throttle up a few times and back to start, crank and crank until it fires a couple times, and repeat this procedure until it starts. Are 4 strokes just that touchy? why is there no choke? I believe I may be flooding it because I hold throttle open and crank and it seems to clear it out and I can get it started after that. Just feel like I paid to have the motor serviced for nothing! I feel its something im doing wrong, any tips would be apprectiated. Its a tiller motor if that makes a difference.
My routine is to pump the primer bulb until hard, put throttle at "Start" position and push the start button while it just cranks and cranks and cranks. I twist the throttle up a few times and back to start, crank and crank until it fires a couple times, and repeat this procedure until it starts. Are 4 strokes just that touchy? why is there no choke? I believe I may be flooding it because I hold throttle open and crank and it seems to clear it out and I can get it started after that. Just feel like I paid to have the motor serviced for nothing! I feel its something im doing wrong, any tips would be apprectiated. Its a tiller motor if that makes a difference.