2003 Ford Expedition EB 2WD....Towing a Bayliner 2655?


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 11, 2005
My father wants me to pull his boat. He has a 1989 Bayliner Cierra 2655 with the 460 King Cobra. Its also the wide body (beam = close to 10ft).<br /><br />Here is what it looks like (This is not his boat but the same make and model).<br /><br />
<br /><br />Any problem for the Ford Expedition to tow this? I have the 2WD 5.4L Eddie Bauer.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: 2003 Ford Expedition EB 2WD....Towing a Bayliner 2655?

That boat is about 7K loaded ... add about 1K for the trailer and you are right at the tow limit. It should be able to do it but I would not make too many long trips. USE trailer brakes! It exceeds the weight of your SUV.


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 28, 2005
Re: 2003 Ford Expedition EB 2WD....Towing a Bayliner 2655?

I wouldn't do it...too much boat for the rig your driving.<br /><br />Do you have a trailer tow package on your Ford? Do you have everything currently in tip top shape, your brakes, shocks, tranny, rear-end, tires, cooling system, etc.?<br />What kind of hitch setup are you running (weighted hitch or weight distribution) and is it rated to haul this big of rig?<br />How experienced are you at pulling any trailer let alone one this size? <br />Do you have your Expedition setup with trailer brakes? What kind of suspension does it have?<br /><br />What kind of launching ramps will you incur?<br />How far will you be towing and will your towing drive include up and down hills, curves, bad roads, potential traffic jams?<br />Will your insurance cover you when your hauling your father's boat?<br />If your incur problems while towing who will pay for the repairs or damages?<br /><br />All of these factors are individually important and critical to your towing safety and success.<br /><br />Years ago a friend asked me to go fishing with him on his 28' Bayliner Victoria. He trailered it with a Heavy Duty Ford F-350 Crew Cab with a trailer tow package, heavy duty weight distributing hitch, trailer brakes, etc.. I met him at the coast. At the end of the day he had a headache and asked me to drive his boat the 100 miles home. I had many years of towing experience but this one time was the worst of my life and it taught me that pulling big boats was nothing to take lightly. Talk about the tail wagging the dog. Just retrieving the boat from the water was bad enough but the next 2 hours of driving was a total nightmare. Now I know why he had the headache! My trip included up and down hills (both short and long,steep and shallow with both good and bad paving). I had the typical crowded weekend traffic to contend with as well. I couldn't relax for one moment the whole two hours home. Even though his truck was set up to pull heavy loads I felt it was at its limit (engine ran hot, the brakes (truck and trailer) were pushed to their limits, the downhill grades were really scary with all that weight pushing from behind and swaying was always a threat even though the tongue was properly weighted), the uphill grades were a real grind on the engine and transmission. I never felt i could relax at all to be in safe control. One false move is all it would take to get into unrecoverable trouble with that big of rig. <br /><br />Now I know why boats those size are kept at a moorage and rarely trailered.<br /><br />Your Expedition isn't an Excursion. Let your father burn up his own brakes, tires, engine, tranny, rear-end, shocks, gas, etc.<br /><br />But if not pulling his boat results in your being cut out of a large inheritance then forget everything I just said.<br /><br />Old Trailer Sailor :cool:


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 11, 2005
Re: 2003 Ford Expedition EB 2WD....Towing a Bayliner 2655?

Thanks for the replys. Well I should have told you that I was towing it about 10 miles. No way I would burn up my truck towing that beast the 200 miles back home.<br /><br />The Epedition says max tow capacity is 8900lbs. I have the bigger engine and factory tow package and the trailer has brakes too. My receiver is only rated at 5000lbs and my tow ball at 6000lbs.<br /><br />I'm in the Ozarks so it will be quite a bit of climbing. I'm going to haf the Wally World and see about getting a higer rated receiver.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: 2003 Ford Expedition EB 2WD....Towing a Bayliner 2655?

The weakest link in this chain is the hitch. If it's only rated for 5000# you will be more than 40% over the limit. If the boat is indeed near 10 ft beam you are also over the width limit of 102 inches. While you can get a permit, chances are an inspection of the vehicle may be required and in this case it would flunk. You may get away with towing an oversized rig without proper permits for 10 miles but if you are stopped, have plenty of cash with you or a credit card with plenty of margin. Normally one could sneak by if the boat wasn't so wide. This is sort of like trying to sneak an elephant through a china shop. If the law saw you but didn't stop you they would have to be either blind, ignorant, or both (and you would be considered extremely lucky).


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 11, 2005
Re: 2003 Ford Expedition EB 2WD....Towing a Bayliner 2655?

Well I pulled it to another marina about 10 miles away. What a beast! Damn thing looked twice as big as it did in the water and my Expedition looked like a little Tonka truck sitting in front of it. I had to climb a major hill from down at the lake to the top of the hill and then multiple hills to the marina. I was surprised at how well the Expedition pulled this beast. Although I wouldn't make a habit of it, I feel the Expedition did quite well.


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 28, 2005
Re: 2003 Ford Expedition EB 2WD....Towing a Bayliner 2655?

And you are guaranteed a place at your Dad's Thankgiving table in November... good job!<br /><br />Did you ever feel it might be too much boat anywhere on the trip (swaying, pushing, pulling, stopping)? <br /><br />How fast did you travel?


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 11, 2005
Re: 2003 Ford Expedition EB 2WD....Towing a Bayliner 2655?

It looked like it was too much boat but really was not bad at all. It had great trailer brakes. I drove 45-50mph as I was going up and down hills and around curves and such. <br /><br />I really had no problems at all. Then again I was taking it easy. My concern was snapping the tow hitch off. I went and got a 6000lb rated hitch and receiver as that is the best Wal-Mart could do. <br /><br />I always have a place at the dinner table. No, that risk of burning up the truck, possibly being pushed off the road and killed earned me a Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. Yep, my Dad is a major tight a$$. Remember this, you can always tell how cheap a person is by the beer they drink. My father is the king of swill.