2003 20 hp impeller change- what's the trick to reassembly?


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
This is pretty model specific...

I changed the impeller and am having a lot of trouble in reassembling, getting the washer on top of the shift shaft before it passes through the reverse rod hook.

I did this 3 years ago and it must have been dumb luck, because I got it back together pretty quickly by using a flat piece of plastic and marine grease to stick the washer on top of the shaft as the lower unit is lifted back into place. There's practically zero working space.

Is there a better way?


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 1, 2007
Re: 2003 20 hp impeller change- what's the trick to reassembly?

You could dab the washer in grease and "stick" it in place til the shaft passes through, or have someone to hold it in place with a long pair of needle nose pliers while you pass the shaft through.


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
Re: 2003 20 hp impeller change- what's the trick to reassembly?

You could dab the washer in grease and "stick" it in place til the shaft passes through, or have someone to hold it in place with a long pair of needle nose pliers while you pass the shaft through.

The problem is you can't really see where the passage hole is until the shaft starts to emerge. I'll have to come up with some innovation; needle nose pliers, mine anyway, are way too big to fit in the working space. Like I said, when I did it last time, must have been totally dumb luck, it went on in a couple of tries.



Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
Re: 2003 20 hp impeller change- what's the trick to reassembly?

Man what a day-to be continued tomorrow. Got it back together using a thin piece of plastic with the washer stuck on with grease, got it on and lower unit attached and--the shift rod wouldn't quite line up to get the pin back in. So I took off the lower unit again, and promptly--lost the damn washer. Spent at least an hour looking for it in, on and around the motor. Finally starting to get dark so gave up & while I was picking up my tools, there it was. Sitting on the driveway, of course where I "already looked". At least I've got it back. Next time I'll order half a dozen of them.

Still can't figure out why the shift rod wouldn't quite go up to where it needed to be. Last time, everything slid right back together. First time must have been a charm.

Back at it tomorrow, want to get launched next Saturday.
Frustrating, seems so simple.


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
Re: 2003 20 hp impeller change- what's the trick to reassembly?

Edit: deleted post


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 16, 2009
Re: 2003 20 hp impeller change- what's the trick to reassembly?

Sure it was the shift-shaft? Try turning the flywheel by hand and you might be surprised at how easily things go back together. Its usually the drive-shaft alignment that gets off.


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
Re: 2003 20 hp impeller change- what's the trick to reassembly?

Yeah, I got the problem solved this morning.

I stuck a nail thru the hole in the top of the shift rod, braced the LU between my feet, and pulled up on the shift shaft while turning the prop by hand. After a bit, the rod came up & was the proper length, and it was in neutral and the prop turned freely.

I found that my home made plastic tool
for retaining the washer on top of the shift rod during dis-assembly is good for that, but for reassembly, I stuck the washer to the end of a long, thin screw driver with grease to hold it in place while working the lower unit into place. (Another part of the trick is that I tied a short piece of fishing line to the washer to prevent loss, as it took several attempts to get the washer on the shaft and under the reverse lock rod before getting everything in its correct place, with practically no working space. If you drop it, it can go any number of places in/on the motor/boat or drop to the ground.)

A small part of the design that is not very user-friendly!

I was then able to get the actuator back together and everything works OK now. Did a water barrel test. At that time discovered a minor gas leak to deal with, but glad the impeller is in.



Chief Petty Officer
Oct 1, 2007
Re: 2003 20 hp impeller change- what's the trick to reassembly?

Like the plastic with a hole idea, going to try that on my next impellar service. I use a pair if needle nose pliers that are skinny and have a curved end on them, and it works good but they have to be held in the exact position to hold the washer. Can't wait to try this though.


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
Re: 2003 20 hp impeller change- what's the trick to reassembly?

At that time discovered a minor gas leak to deal with, but glad the impeller is in.

The launch gods seem to be working against me. One local dealer for the gas filter o-ring I need doesn't have it, the two next closest are about 40 and 60 miles away. I ordered online today and hope it arrives by Friday!