Oil was changed when winterized in the fall, and changed again 3 weeks ago when at the marina while getting a new wiring harness. Have maybe 3 hours total running time since the last oil change, most of which has been sitting at the dock testing, trying to get it to run right.
Last night while testing I pulled out the dipstick to verify the oil level and this THICK WHITE COLORED MILKY FOAM, came oozing out the dipstick hole. EEEEK!
I've seen this consistency on Jeeps axles/differentials before, and I think it means water has gotten in there? Has water gotten into my engine? What kind of seal(?)... head gasket(?)... might be leaking water into my oil?
Last night while testing I pulled out the dipstick to verify the oil level and this THICK WHITE COLORED MILKY FOAM, came oozing out the dipstick hole. EEEEK!
I've seen this consistency on Jeeps axles/differentials before, and I think it means water has gotten in there? Has water gotten into my engine? What kind of seal(?)... head gasket(?)... might be leaking water into my oil?