2001 Mercruiser4.3 with 4 Barrel Edelbrock Carb- trying to find 50 amp circuit button


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 18, 2011
Sorry but I don't have a service manual right now but am trying to figure out my electrical issue and need some help.
Here is the scenario:

Boat was warm. Turned off motor. Took off the metal flame arrestor to inspect and clean the outside of the carb..and while I was trying to lay it aside I accidentally hit the top of what appears to be a solenoid (?) with two posts, loosely mounted onto the side of the Edelbrock carb. One with yellow wire with red stripe and one with red wire with blue stripe. When it hit it sparked and a short happened.

Now the trim works but everything else is dead. From what I understand there should be a 50 amp circuit breaker that I just need to reset. I have seen a small diagram of this part which showed it should be in plain sight right next to the distributor cap and carb by the solenoid (?) that I hit.

Only problem I can't find it. Granted I can't find things when my wife tells me to get from the cabinets either ;)

Thank you for your consideration as I am dead in the water. -

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: 2001 Mercruiser4.3 with 4 Barrel Edelbrock Carb- trying to find 50 amp circuit bu

Sorry but I don't have a service manual right now but am trying to figure out my electrical issue and need some help.
Here is the scenario:

Boat was warm. Turned off motor. Took off the metal flame arrestor to inspect and clean the outside of the carb..and while I was trying to lay it aside I accidentally hit the top of what appears to be a solenoid (?) with two posts, loosely mounted onto the side of the Edelbrock carb. One with yellow wire with red stripe and one with red wire with blue stripe. When it hit it sparked and a short happened.

Now the trim works but everything else is dead. From what I understand there should be a 50 amp circuit breaker that I just need to reset. I have seen a small diagram of this part which showed it should be in plain sight right next to the distributor cap and carb by the solenoid (?) that I hit.

Only problem I can't find it. Granted I can't find things when my wife tells me to get from the cabinets either ;)

Thank you for your consideration as I am dead in the water. -

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Ayuh,... Welcome Aboard,... Got a picture of yer motor,..??

Considerin' the carb is Not original, chances are alot of it ain't...


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 18, 2011
Re: 2001 Mercruiser4.3 with 4 Barrel Edelbrock Carb- trying to find 50 amp circuit bu

It is fairly new replacement motor and I got the 4 Barrell intake and carb uggrade from the 2 Barrel Not sure if I can get pictures on here but I will try tommorrow. I can't resist but to ask though - Could it be set up without that 50 amp button and have blown elswhere?


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: 2001 Mercruiser4.3 with 4 Barrel Edelbrock Carb- trying to find 50 amp circuit bu

It is fairly new replacement motor and I got the 4 Barrell intake and carb uggrade from the 2 Barrel Not sure if I can get pictures on here but I will try tommorrow. I can't resist but to ask though - Could it be set up without that 50 amp button and have blown elswhere?

Ayuh,... Being Non-original,... ANYTHING is possible...


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 18, 2011
Hope these help. Thank you!


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Seaman Apprentice
Sep 18, 2011
Bond-O how did I do with the pictures? Please let me know whatcha think? Anyone? Muchas Gracias!


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 18, 2011
Re: 2001 Mercruiser4.3 with 4 Barrel Edelbrock Carb- trying to find 50 amp circuit bu

Also, the 90 amp fuse that is supposedly located by the starter... Is that a fuse you replace or a breaker that can be reset? Would that give the same scenario that nothing works but the trim?


Jun 5, 2011
Re: 2001 Mercruiser4.3 with 4 Barrel Edelbrock Carb- trying to find 50 amp circuit bu

Some are on the left side of the engine attached to the manifold.



Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: 2001 Mercruiser4.3 with 4 Barrel Edelbrock Carb- trying to find 50 amp circuit bu

Bond-O how did I do with the pictures? Please let me know whatcha think? Anyone? Muchas Gracias!

Ayuh,... It appears you've got Alota non-original Stuff goin' on....

There could be a big ole squarish lookin' fuse on the main battery connection, but yer stuff is alittle old fer that...

Yer pictures are clear, but We're lookin' for the Wiring,..??...
What's the little ball of wires beside the distributer, 'n carb,..??
I'd think there oughta be a breaker by that solenoid/ relay....


Vice Admiral
Apr 10, 2007
Re: 2001 Mercruiser4.3 with 4 Barrel Edelbrock Carb- trying to find 50 amp circuit bu

Grab your trusty test light, start at the battery + and follow it to the starter, and keep going til you get to that starter relay you shorted, making sure you have power at each point/connection along the way. If you come across something black with a red button, push the button.


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 18, 2011
Re: 2001 Mercruiser4.3 with 4 Barrel Edelbrock Carb- trying to find 50 amp circuit bu

Thanks guys I will keep on it and will report back what I find. I'll try and get a couple more pictures that are better of the wiring.


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 18, 2011
Re: 2001 Mercruiser4.3 with 4 Barrel Edelbrock Carb- trying to find 50 amp circuit bu

Firstly, I found a free downloadable mercruiser manual so as to not be guessing anymore.

I searched the engine again and found that I don't have the stock 50 amp button but have a fuse directly next to the starter. I jumped past the fuse and the boat runs again and all accessories work.

Question: Does it sound like a good idea to pull that blown fuse connection off completely and then add the 50 AMP button in a more accessible spot like it probably was originally? Or perhaps the fuse is a lot cheaper than the breaker and just as well... Looking for oppinions on this - thanks


Jun 5, 2011
Re: 2001 Mercruiser4.3 with 4 Barrel Edelbrock Carb- trying to find 50 amp circuit bu

Firstly, I found a free downloadable mercruiser manual so as to not be guessing anymore.

I searched the engine again and found that I don't have the stock 50 amp button but have a fuse directly next to the starter. I jumped past the fuse and the boat runs again and all accessories work.

Question: Does it sound like a good idea to pull that blown fuse connection off completely and then add the 50 AMP button in a more accessible spot like it probably was originally? Or perhaps the fuse is a lot cheaper than the breaker and just as well... Looking for oppinions on this - thanks

I think that sounds like a great idea! The breaker will never need replacement. Now, if you keep popping it, then it's time to go digging for why.



Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: 2001 Mercruiser4.3 with 4 Barrel Edelbrock Carb- trying to find 50 amp circuit bu

Firstly, I found a free downloadable mercruiser manual so as to not be guessing anymore.

I searched the engine again and found that I don't have the stock 50 amp button but have a fuse directly next to the starter. I jumped past the fuse and the boat runs again and all accessories work.

Question: Does it sound like a good idea to pull that blown fuse connection off completely and then add the 50 AMP button in a more accessible spot like it probably was originally? Or perhaps the fuse is a lot cheaper than the breaker and just as well... Looking for oppinions on this - thanks

Ayuh,.... Search ebay fer a used breaker,... ;)


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 18, 2011
Re: 2001 Mercruiser4.3 with 4 Barrel Edelbrock Carb- trying to find 50 amp circuit bu

Thanks guys. I will buy the breaker on ebay. I do know how I shorted it as in my OP, it was when I accidentally hit the top of the unprotected solenoid with the flame arrestor. Thanks to all who read this thread.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 3, 2011
Re: 2001 Mercruiser4.3 with 4 Barrel Edelbrock Carb- trying to find 50 amp circuit bu

Glad you were able to figure it out. Electrical problems are no fun. You might want to look on ebay for the rubber boot that should cover that solenoid as well.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 3, 2011
Re: 2001 Mercruiser4.3 with 4 Barrel Edelbrock Carb- trying to find 50 amp circuit bu

I looked at mine today while doing some other stuff, its more like plastic than rubber. If i recall mercruiser refurs to them as insulators. They are less than $3.00 i think..........


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 18, 2011
Re: 2001 Mercruiser4.3 with 4 Barrel Edelbrock Carb- trying to find 50 amp circuit bu

Good idea joewithaboat, I will make sure I cap that sucker!


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 18, 2011
Re: 2001 Mercruiser4.3 with 4 Barrel Edelbrock Carb- trying to find 50 amp circuit bu

OK, I had the starter fixed ($37 for new brushes) and I put it back on. That was not the most fun I've had on my boat... I eliminated the fuse thingy starter dangle that was blown and now I have power. Boat is running. Still need to do a bunch of testing and running to deal with bad gauges, water on top of engine, carb gunk, etc,... but progress. Thanks for the advice on the rebuild. It cost a lot less and I feel a lot better about that then buying a cheap one on Ebay.

Now being frugal, I am wondering if the breaker panel under the dash gives me protection or if I definitely need a new breaker or fuse between the starter and starter slave solenoid? Just wondering as I am trying to be cheap. Can an inline fuse be used instead if a lot cheaper?