2001 Bass Tracker Pro Deep V 17 Issues...


Jun 24, 2012
Picked this up at the estate auction and trying to get all the problems that my grandfather neglected fixed. The biggest problem is that in the back of the boat the fuel cell takes up the entire back, and the water doesn't drain fast enough around the tank to drop into the lower part of the transom and exit out the boat....It actually filled up with water and the plug out. I had to lift the fuel cell up and put wood under it so water would continue to drain, this was after a strong rain.. Is this a design flaw from Tracker or did my grandfather do something extra.
​ Next Issue I can not get the Seats to go back in the slots after the cleaning I've given it. I have realized the plastic pieces should be on the bottom of the chair pole and not stuck in the base. Open to any and all suggestion for this one. ​
I also wish to change the oil and oil filter, best recommendation as I have no owners book for a 50 HP Merc Bigfoot, (How do you know if its EFI?) I've seen the kits to do this but it usually says its for an EFI and it only list the 25W oil. and some like Amsoil base it off of how much hp the 50 puts out as they had two different CC's for the 50 that year, a 935cc and a 996cc???
Last issue...I need new seats and do not want wood, cheap and quality recommendations welcomed.
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Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Welcome to iboats.

Issue one, the fuel tank and water drainage.
That is not the original fuel tank.
It is a tank designed for below deck installation.
Also, if it was original, it would have been secured, not able to be lifted/moved.
I'm guessing that granddad installed a larger tank. Which explains the water drainage issue.
The tank is covering up access to the bilge area, and restricting the water flow to the bilge.

Those seat base bushings have always been an issue.
If you can find replacement bushings, then get them, pry out the old ones, and move on.
Remove the seat pedestals occasionally to keep them from binding into the base.
Or, replace the seat base and pedestal when you replace the seats.

Seats, cheap, quality, no wood,..... do not exist.
Expect to spend $100-300 per seat for anything decent, then if you need new swivels, pedestals, or bases... it could add another $100 per seat.

Your battery needs to be secured down, and terminals covered.
Easiest way to do this is with a plastic battery box that straps to the floor.

" and some like Amsoil base it off of how much hp the 50 puts out
as they had two different CC's for the 50 that year "

Ummmm, 50 hp is 50 hp, if they did have 2 different displacement blocks ? it would change the torque curve, but 50 hp is still only 50 hp.

EFI or not ?
If the engine has carburetors, it is not EFI.

If you are going to work on this motor, you need a service manual, not an owners manual.
An engine specific factory service manual is best.

Most important IMO, is to change the gearcase lube, and install a new water pump impeller.

Welcome the the fun and expense of boat ownership.


Sep 16, 2013
I'd be pretty tempted to replace that tank, that holds enough fuel to run a 50hp 4 stroke for a month, with a 6 gallon portable. Much more practical in my experience.

Re: the plastic stuck in the cup, I've had my best luck applying a little pressure with a screwdriver under that locking tab.

This is a link to the owners manual - I think. It's a .pdf file. Please confirm it's correct. I gave it a quick look, but don't have the engine in front of me to verify anything. It's not a full on service manual, but I don't think you need a service manual to change the oil. Make sure to verify the lower unit is full of oil - not water. Anything is possible, but I'd be surprised if a 2001 Engine were fuel injected.
