This a topic that has probably been discussed before but it just touched me and I'm pissed and want to pass it along. To anyone that is looking to purchase a 2001 FI 4 stroke Bombardier (read Evinrude), be aware: This series (and I'm sure many others) was engineered with the timing sensor permenently attached to the drive shaft. (Or something like that, I'm not very smart about that stuff) Anyway, we all at sometime have a prop hit an underwater object. If the shaft on this series of engines is put out of alignment even the most miniscule of degrees, the timing is permenently out of alignment. The fix - replace the power head at a cost of almost $4,000.00. Be sure you check into this before you purchase a boat with a 4 stroke FI Bombardier engine.<br /> If anyone has a different take on this or has anything to add, please chime in. <br />Thanks - Bob<br />PS - my boat's still out of the water because of this and it's almost July!!!