2000 Yamaha sx200txrx

Jul 28, 2018
Hello everyone. Today I took the boat out and went to a river restaurant on the Halifax river. The current is very strong and I'm new to this river, so it knocked me into the dock twice. It broke the small swim platform and I believe the some part of the outboard hit as well too. It was a solid hit and even the people in the restaurant heard it.
We ate and then went out fishing. It drove ok, nothing noticeably, but I pushed it to around 4500 rpms and it was doing fine, then the engine slowed down. I put it in neutral and it died. I tried to start it but it seemed locked up. Everytime I'd turn the key to start it, the gps would black out. I waited about 5 minutes then it started again. But now it had a raspy sound. It got on plane and didn't appear to have a power loss, but it didn't sound right and I didn't want to push it, I just wanted to get back to dock.

I have a youtube video of the way it sounds now. Any thoughts?? Thanks

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Jul 28, 2018
Thanks.. Do you have any knowledge about the mercury/yamahas? There one for sale an it's a four stroke. I guess there was a time when mercury was buying from yamaha and putting their label on it. Are these worth it?


Supreme Mariner
May 7, 2008
Take the cover off and see if the Bendix on the starter has dropped after starting?
Jul 28, 2018
Never thought about that. It could be just high enough where it's touching the flywheel. I'll check that out. And that could be the reason for it acting like it was seized too. Thanks, I'll let you know.