I have a strange problem I would like to run by everyone. engine is only running on cyl#1. compression is 115psi on all three cylinders. carbs are clean, I realized the engine is loosing vacuum at front of the carbs on cylinders 2,3 when the engine is running. I pulled the carbs and checked reed valves. Reeds check out ok. When turning the engine over with carbs off. vacuum was weak on the two cylinders. while checking reeds I found a loose backed out engine case bolt in the center of the motor near cyl#2 behind the oil tank. I tightened the loose bolt and the vacuum improved and seemed to now be equal on all three manifold openings. When running the lack of vacuum is still present on the bottom two cylinders. 3.
I am assuming there is a leak in the engine cases or lower crank seal? I have the power head off to reseal it. What do yall think?
I wish I had a automotive smoke machine I could leak test it with I think that might reveal the problem?
Before I found the vacuum problem I replaced the head gasket and exhaust cover gaskets.
I am assuming there is a leak in the engine cases or lower crank seal? I have the power head off to reseal it. What do yall think?
I wish I had a automotive smoke machine I could leak test it with I think that might reveal the problem?
Before I found the vacuum problem I replaced the head gasket and exhaust cover gaskets.