so which LED comes on the tach display .
to service FICHT and ETECs you realy should get a copy of EV diagnostic 5.9 and run it on a W10 laptop to read fault codes
Check engine can be several things incl low oil...
sect 3-18 in the 2002 book lists most CHECK ENGINE conditions which WILL NOT put you in SLOW/SAFE mode but do need attention !!
Here is some info on EV diag and a link to some.. FICHT manuals... just run down the list and download them the FICHT bookss even if yours is not a not a 2002. At least you will have basic info on these injection engines. .
these is a book down the list Evinrude 1990-2001 also
EVINRUDE DIAGNOSTICS VERSION 5 A GUIDE TO GETTING STARTED September 2021 INTRODUCTION This guide is primarily intended to help Evinrude E-TEC owners. The words...
*WARNING Static electricity can instantly damage or destroy the solid state control modules. In order to prevent this possibility, ground yourself by touching a metallic component on the motor immediately prier to touching the EMM. If you feel a small static shock, you may have prevented damage to the control unit.
If the Check Engine warning light illuminates, first check the battery condition as detailed under Batteries in the General Information and Maintenance section. If the battery is good, the EMM may have detected a fault within the electronic engine control system (and stored a diagnostic trouble code). If the EMM detects a fuel injection or electronic engine control fault, it will store a Service Code, sound the horn for 10 seconds and illuminate the gauge LED for a minimum of 30 seconds. The light will go out if the fault does not remain present, otherwise the LED will remain illuminated until the fault goes away or the key is turned off (whichever comes first). If the fault is still present the next time the engine is started, the LED will illuminate_once again to alert the operator that problem is still present. The Check Engine light can also be used to output the Service Code. For more information, please refer to Reading Codes in the SelfDiagnostic System portion of the 01/FICHT Fuel Injection section.